He looks so much more comfortable. He is now getting 7ml of breastmilk every 3 hours! Oh, and that is an IV in his head. That is about the only place they could find to put it the other day. He likes to pull the IV's out if they are anywhere else.
We got a phone call bright and early this morning from the NICU doctor about Ethan. Overnight they discovered that the IV going into his arm and to his chest started leaking fluid into his chest cavity and he was having a really hard time breathing. They had to take out the "central line" as the call it, and put him back on the ventilator because he had some fluid seap into his lungs. Poor baby can't get a break!!
I'm sure he's thinking "why can't I just have all these tubes and wires off me????" They don't anticipate him having to be on the vent longer than over the weekend, but we'll just have to wait and see. I think he just doesn't like the weekends! :)
Alex has been pretty good lately. He hasn't had a bowel movement in a while, so we are hoping he goes soon!
"Check it out Mommy. What is this thing on my arm? It is really annoying me!" His IV had to be taped and padded down because he pulls them out A LOT!
We didn't make it to their care time tonight because we went out to dinner with James' parents before they go home, and for James' birthday. I'll update more tomorrow after I get weights and measurements!! Tata for now.
Oh gracious ... I know there have been tough times, but I can't believe how much they are growing! They are SO precious. I would give anything to be able to sing to them but I guess I will just have to wait a few weeks. Keep taking care of them and take care of yourselves too!!
Aunt Mimi
I think you mean Grant's Oxygen tube is out (not the feeding tube)--just an FYI and you don't have to post this comment! I know you have mommy brain and tired brain and stress brain but I love you!!
I love that picture of Alex! Hilarious. :) He looks truly disturbed by the bandage on his arm. :)
So scary! All the drama and concerns day to day. You continue to be in my prayers.
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