Not only has my week just gone more wrong than any other, I thought it was over. I got my tooth filled yesterday and scheduled a regular appointment with the dentist.
I had a wonderful day yesterday. I didn't go to work like I had planned because our server was down and so was the internet at work. My boss called me after my appointment and told me not to worry about coming in to work. OK!
I cleaned the house (or so I thought!!! more later), vacuumed, clean the kitchen, then went grocery shopping, made brownies, made dinner, taught piano, then went to the store with my wonderful hubby!
We came home from the store and crashed on the couch to watch the Olympics. We finished watching the Women's Beach Volleyball Gold Medal round (YEAH USA!!!) and got up to go to bed upstairs. I had to get a glass of water to take my meds so I walked over and grabbed a glass, filled it with ice, and saw this little shadow on the floor go by my feet.
HMMM.... was it Jet? No, he was in the living room. Was it my hand? The angle of the light wasn't right. Surely it wasn't a mouse. The space where I thought I saw it going was WAY too small for a mouse!
ZIP... (blood curdling scream).... (James!!! JAmes!! JAMes!!! JAMEs!!!!!!! JAAAAAAAMMMMMMEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)..... I jump on the ottoman and cannot move for fear of my life!......
From one of the smallest creatures on the planet!!!
We have a mouse in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James came running down the stairs and I could hardly get the words out. "We have a mouse...... un..... un.... under.... under there...."
"You have to tell me where "there" is. Where?"
She points to the dishwasher.
"Under the dishwasher? A mouse can't get under the dishwasher," he says as if I have seen a something I haven't. "It could be a cockroach!"
"EWWWWWWWWWWWW. Just get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care what it is.... just get it!!!!!!! EWWWWW..." as tears start rolling down my cheeks.
Of course, this is the first time we have even thought about the possibility of having a mouse in the house so we don't have traps or anything. We do have wasps in the backyard though, so James grabs the wasp spray and sprays it under the dishwasher!
He is about as jumpy as I was. He goes looking for the flashlight and I am watching him, then Jet decides that he is going to pounce on my pile of clothes ready for the laundry. I guess the mouse got out and went either into the pile or behind the buffet! ARG.... I am still standing on the ottoman!
"Please get it James, or Jet!"
So James turns on the flashlight to look behind the buffet!
So much for Jet finding the mouse! He is more interested in chasing the light from the flashlight! I think, "why did we have to teach him that?"
James looks around the house for droppings or anything that would tell us it was a mouse and he found a piece of food that Jet had not eaten that had a bunch of little nibble marks on it! Yep... its a mouse!!! EWWW!
After about 30 minutes of me cowering on the ottoman, James finally convinces me to go upstairs. I run from the ottoman to the stairs. James never found the mouse, so we are getting traps tonight to get it!! I just don't know if I can walk around my house barefooted till we get it.
EWWWWWW!!! I know God has a sense of humor, I just know He was laughing so hard last night!
Moral of the story: Never ask what else can go wrong!