Wednesday, March 25, 2009

10 week update

Today we had a doctors appointment for the first time with our new doctor. It was a good appointment. It was really long though. We got a lot of information, a diet plan, and other supplements I need to be taking. It was A LOT! I was exhausted after the appointment.

We also had an ultrasound. Everyone is looking great. They are all measuring around 3.45cm and right on track date wise (10 weeks 2 days.) They were VERY active today too. We saw them move around a bunch. James could have sworn that one of them (baby C-one of the identicals) waved at us! It was soooo cool. We got to actually hear the heartbeats too.

The ultrasound pictures are not as clear as they have been in the past because they did a "regular" ultrasound (through my belly and not internal). So, here are babies pictures with their heartrates. Each heartrate was right around 180. The nurses said that that rate is normal at 10 weeks and the heartrate should drop to around 120-160 here pretty soon.

Here is our singleton. The heartrate here is 182bpm. This baby is on my left side.
The identicals are lettered B and C. This one is Baby B. They are both on my right side. The heartrate for this one is not on the picture but it was 180.
Here is Baby C. It's heartrate was 182 also. They are all doing so well!!!
Here are the measurement pictures of B and C. They forgot to get us one of Baby A.

The first picture here is of Baby C. He/she is just lounging there! Doesn't he/she look comfy?

The is Baby B. He/she is curled up on it's side kind of.

Well, as for momma, I am doing great. They checked my blood pressure and it was great! They told me that I need to gain no more than 45 pounds, but no less than 35 pounds, so I have to eat lots of good-for-me food. I also have to take Fish Oil!! (ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!) I really don't want to, but they say it will help, especially since I don't eat any fish.

Well, I suppose I have talked long enough. Our next appointment is on April 13 at 3:00 (this is more for my memory than for your info!!). That will be our 12 week appointment. How exciting!! Ta-ta for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news! And fish oil it will be! :) Maybe it would be easier to just eat fish. OK ... I"m thinking that taking fish oil would be easier for me too. How exciting to see the changes and growth of your little sweeties. Make sure you don't press yourself too hard ... take care and get good rest. I love you!!!

Aunt Mimi