Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why I am a Republican... Discuss politics...

So, I had a little bit of time on my hands the other day, and I was thinking as to why I am what I am when I identify myself in politics. So, I thought I would write down everything that I believe in with politics. (For some reason I am really into politics this election season!)

Please, let me know if you agree with me or disagree with me, or if you have anything to add. I would love to have a big long discussion on here about politics.

Here is what I believe...

I believe... that individuals, and not government, are the United States of America. Those individuals should have a voice in matters of government and that every person—every sex, race, disability, or creed—has the unalienable rights to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PERSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

I believe... in government, but not big government. The government should let people be and do and not try to regulate every aspect of life. I don’t like the fact that sometimes even republicans can go overboard in regulating. I believe that if there are regulations they should be able to be agreed upon by everyone.

I believe... that the US government should encourage the people of this nation to prosper and work toward a better life (if they so choose). The government should help people if they are in a time of need, but help them only to get their feet under them, so they can stand on their own. Every person has that ability, and if they do not know how, the government should direct them to help and education that is out of the government’s hands.

I believe... that with the prosperity that the government encourages of its people the economy can grow. Let me explain my reasoning in some steps.

  1. People start businesses
  2. Government encourages prosperity.
  3. Businesses create profit---- businesses spend more money (see step #6)
  4. Profit creates more jobs
  5. Jobs give more people more money
  6. Money is spent on goods
  7. Goods have taxes placed on them
  8. Taxes go to government
  9. Government can spend the money to improve all aspects of that which they have control.

I believe... that people must have individual rights. (This is where I differ from some in the Republican party, but bear with me) Here are a couple of basic rights that I strongly believe in.

  • Right to Free speech-- George J. Esseff, Sr said it better than I can. “The right of free speech and dissent is shared equally by those offended… as well as those who offend” http://www.whatiam.net/
  • Right to choose government—I believe that every legal citizen should have the right to vote on who represents them in government.
  • Right to choose your own Religion or lack of (whatever it may be)— I believe in God, but I believe that every person may have their choice of religion or lack of religion if they want. I also believe that government cannot tell you what religion you have to be. I do believe that the United States was founded on Christian principles and a few of those principles are visible in government affairs. This, to me, is part of tradition. “In God We Trust” is a part of tradition. So is “under God.” I don’t believe that these phrases are an endorsement or forcing of the government for people to become God believing people. It is a tradition of the US and should be continued as such.
  • Right to protection—I believe that every person in America should be protect from theft. That includes theft of property and of life. This means that the government should provide protection for individuals and the country as a whole. I respect and support our “protectors” (i.e. troops, police, firefighters, civil patrol, etc.) even if I don’t believe in the actions of some in the government that direct our “protectors.” I feel honored that they are giving their lives to protect mine.
  • Right to justice—I believe that every person (of any race, creed, sex, etc) should be able to be judged by a jury of their peers (meaning any other person no matter race, sex, creed, etc). I believe that if a person has broken the law, ANY LAW, they should have some consequence, and that consequence should be dealt with all fairness and respect for all parties involved. If any person believes that a law is wrong, they should go through the correct channels of the government to correct that law, not just break it. I don’t believe in the death penalty ("If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone.”-John 8:7), except for in extremely atrocious cases. What those extremely atrocious cases are, I cannot tell you because I believe that each person must be judged individually.

I believe... that every person and the government should strive to do what is right, not just what is convenient.

I believe... that everyone in this world should take care of the environment, but that global warming is a hoax. It is not a proven fact, it is just a theory. I do believe in recycling and re-using. I also believe that if regulations are going to be put on one nation’s industries and people, that all nations of the world must also have those regulations, otherwise no change will happen. Plus, how do humans know that humans are causing warming? Where is the proof that a warmer (or colder) temperature is not the “ideal” temperature for earth? How can humans say that life will cease to exist if the world gets any warmer? We do not know the answers to any of these questions, only God does, and God asks us to be good stewards of the earth, and to take care of it and the animals.

I believe... that the USA should be energy independent, and in doing so we should utilize all resources that are available to us to use. That includes wind, solar, water, renewable resources (i.e. corn, wood, etc), coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, and future resources that have yet to be created. I believe that we should drill for oil responsibly, store nuclear waste responsibly, and be responsible for our citizens by using our resources, and not sending our “resources” or money overseas to countries and people who do not care for the US and want to hurt us.

I believe... that health care should not be paid for by the government, but should be affordable to all people. I believe that any and every insurance company should be available to any person in any state of the USA. That would make insurance premiums more competitive and affordable. If health care was to be paid for by the government, every person would be paying more taxes and would not be ensured the best care that they could find.

I believe... that a healthy, calm, discussion about politics is always fun. Please don't be mean, because I won't post comments that are mean or disrespectful!!!

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