Thursday, August 5, 2010

A quick trip to Sam's Club

I don't usually wait for James to get home from work to go places. I just take the boys with me. Especially right now when they can't ask for things. So I needed some stuff from Sam's Club, so we made a quick trip inside.

Surpisingly I didn't get as many comments this way as I would have pushing the stroller and pulling a cart! I don't think a lot of people saw Ethan in the cart. Hey, it works as long as I can use the infant carrier!! :)

1 comment:

Krismisstree said...

I LOVE the double-occupancy carts at Sams. Our grocery store has carts too that have the double seat up top and two seats in the "car" part--so theoretically I could have 4 kids plus a car seat in a grocery cart :)

I got another "WHOA, THREE KIDS" comment yesterday at Walmart. Quacks :)